Saturday, 25 October 2008

Avoid Losing Money When You Try to Make Money Online

So you have discovered that it is possible to use the potential of the internet to earn you an extra income. No doubt you may already have looked at some of the programs on the internet to help you pay off your debt, to get to the dream of working from home or just the challenge of building your own business online? Like most people starting out on this mission, you probably would already have drowned in all the info and work from home offers from everywhere; all of them promising you a path to financial freedom and to live a debt free life.

How much of this is really true?

In researching the different business opportunities and work from home programs I have been rapped on the knuckles by quite a few program owners already. This is after asking a few simple constructive questions about their offers. One of the recent ones that I joined early this year offered software that would make you $10000 and more in as little as 20 minutes of work per day. Can you believe that? Unfortunately quite a few people fell for it. When questioning the owner directly about this I was promptly banned and my account closed. Yet the forum is full of people paying subscriptions each month to make this guy richer and not a single one of them have even broken even yet after 2 months. After voicing questions in the forum the owners ran a mile instead of answering them honestly. This is the typical response from many programs offering instant riches.

The rich online 'GURUS' as everyone calls them, use expensive copywriters and professionals to write these sales letters and marketing tactics that look very inviting! It is this, which tempts people to spend hard earned money on useless info products while they smile all the way to the bank. They do not care about your frustration. Genuine helpful internet millionaires are few and far between. Others are not telling you the truth because that way you end up being their competition.

Avoid business opportunities that promise Instant Riches!

If you are a big enough sucker to lose money by joining outlandish offers of earning $100s in minutes like is written in these fancy sales letters, then you surely deserve to lose your hard earned cash!

Make no mistake; the internet can make you very wealthy in a very short period of time. Getting involved in a new program that is just launched always has enormous potential especially for those that are sensible enough to grab it. Those risk takers are the ones that get to the top and do not need to purse any alternatives. Before you join however, check the credentials of the testimonials and the owners if possible which is not easy. If you do get a prompt response to a support letter, then that should give you peace of mind at least. In addition the majority of legitimate programs answer your questions up front in their sales page so that you know exactly what you are investing in.

Making Money online is Still a Step By Step Process

It does not matter what business opportunity, work from home program or home base business you join or what niche it is related to. Making money online is the same step by step process just like it is for a conventional business. Where people go wrong is the fact that they want a simple easy solution or a free ride to instant money. Initially the setting up and lying the foundation of your business opportunity or work from home program is where the real work lies and it may even take a little investment on your part. Some business opportunities may ask for a monthly subscription. These are relatively legitimate because they come with all the bells and whistles and the resultant earnings if you run your business properly make the subscription is a drop in the bucket.

Many of the rich people that have made their fortunes online tell you that you can make money on autopilot. This is certainly true but you have to do the legwork first. Will you stay the course? If not; you will never achieve success because all businesses no matter what need to grow from a foundation.


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