Saturday, 25 October 2008

The solution for making money

The solution for most people, looking for ways to make money, is to earn on internet. There are many ways to make money on the internet, and it can be a very challenging task, to the inexperienced individual. In this article, we will have a closer look at how to cash in on a good online business opportunity with the use of a Owner Website's.

Earn on internet. Easy to say. But it still remains the number one solution for most people, who are looking for a way to increase their income. To either become financially independent, or to boost their current income, for whatever reason.

There are many ways to make easy money on the internet. The owning and developing of a good quality "how to website" which offers good value to the reader, both in information and products, must be very high on the list for anyone wanting to earn on the internet.

There are various options open to you to have your own website. Let us take a closer look at some of the options available.

Firstly, once you have decided on the type of products or services you wish to offer. You can make your own website. This is not a easy task for someone who has little or no experience in this field. But, there are a lot of free website building software programs available on the internet, that can be used to make the task easier.

The second option is to take advantage of the many mass produced, free, paid or subscription based websites that are available. I am going to concentrate on these options in the hope that I could save you the agony of wasted money, time and effort.

There are literally thousand of Free websites for you to choose from. Just do a search for "free website", and you will see what I mean. Which is exactly the main problem with the free sites. You will need to compete with all of them to try and scratch out a living.

Why are they free? you may ask. In most cases, you become one of hundreds of subscribers on the list of the website creator. You are then continually bombarded with products and services that promise some or other "secret" to overnight riches. Enough said.

Websites that you can buy, are normally of a better quality, and of a higher standard. Most of them are one-page sites, that do offer some value to the visitor. But they also have the similar disadvantage, in that there are so many of them. In most cases, they also offer the opportunity to earn commission on the selling of these sites to other investors like you.

Think about it for a second. You buy the site. You then have to compete with all the other identical sites out there to get customers to your site. Mostly it would have to be paid traffic. You manage to sell a website or two. More competition! You do not have to be a rocket scientist to see that the only person who is winning in this deal is the creator of the website.

Then there is the most popular. The subscription based website that offers you multi-steams of income. Normally, you will have to be a paid subscriber to all the programs behind these many streams, to earn any commissions. So you have in fact not only subscribed to the website creator. But also to all the other programs as well. This can be very costly monthly investment, and it could take months, before you have a single dime return to show for it.

The main dissadvantage of these types of subscription websites, is that, in most cases, the site is a one-page site. With links leading to all the products or services you, as well as all the other subscriber's, are offering. But with no or very little real informative value to the visitor, barring the products on offer.

A large number of these Websites are no more than a Sub-domain site of the creator's main website. Result, you cannot modify or personalize your site. Because of this, your site is identical to the sites of all the other unlimited subscribers. This fact does not rank very highly with Google, and most of the other search engines as well. Who do not look kindly upon duplicate content websites. This in turn means that the main method you would need to use to get traffic to the site, is paid traffic, which can be very costly exercise.

Now, I am not saying that all subscription or paid sites are bad. Don't get me wrong. There are some that are really very good value for money. What I am saying is that for your own protection. You need to investigate as many as possible. And ensure that you get the best deal with the greatest possibility of generating the income you want.

When researching these opportunities, there are a few important questions you should ask: Are subscriptions limited? If so, then you have less competition. Can you modify or change all the aspects of the site? If so, you can break away from duplicate content. This in turn would result in more favorable search engine results. And finally. Can you add and remove products as you choose? If so. You will be able to take advantage of the best products on the market, leading to a greater return on your investment.

In this article I have covered only a few of the factors that you need to keep in mind when opting for you own Website. It is my sincere hope that going forward. You will be better armed when considering these options. And, that you will then be in a more favorable position to earn on the internet.


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