Cash gifting is very 'hot' right now and expected to become even hotter! There are very good reasons for this. First, it's one of the few ways the average person can become involved in an activity that will not only benefit himself, but also many others. In the truest sense of the word, Cash Gifting is people helping other people.
Cash gifting is not MLM. There are no 'excuse' products to sell - no over priced vitamins or products with questionable, unverified claims. You can feel comfortable with Cash Gifting. Since there are no products and no company to support, Cash Gifting overcomes some of the biggest negatives of MLM and Network
Marketing - the continuous monthly fees that must be generated to support the parent company. When you join a Cash Gifting 'team', when others join your team, you get paid. If many people join that month, you get paid many times. When you are just starting out, you don't have to worry about fees eating away at your profits. You can take as long as you want to learn about the concept and when you are comfortable with it, you can start promoting it. Believe me, the concept is so simple that you will want to get started right away.
Even though Cash Gifting does not have many of the negatives of MLM companies, it does retain the biggest positive - residual income. Most Cash Gifting programs work on a 'one-up' system where the first person who joins your personal team is given to the person who made you aware of the opportunity. This same process also will apply to your personal 'team', resulting in income to you. This process is the subject of another article but by having just a few aggressive members of your team, you can receive a very substantial income from their efforts. And remember, if you decide at some point to become 'inactive', since there is no company or ongoing fees or commitments, you will still receive that income because of your earlier efforts.
As I write this in the spring of 2008, the average person in the U.S. is facing record oil and gasoline prices, a still lagging housing market, job insecurity and a generally bleak financial future. Cash Gifting, helping yourself by helping others, is a concept that will continue to provide forward thinking people with the financial security and income that is missing in their current lives.
Cash gifting is not MLM. There are no 'excuse' products to sell - no over priced vitamins or products with questionable, unverified claims. You can feel comfortable with Cash Gifting. Since there are no products and no company to support, Cash Gifting overcomes some of the biggest negatives of MLM and Network
Marketing - the continuous monthly fees that must be generated to support the parent company. When you join a Cash Gifting 'team', when others join your team, you get paid. If many people join that month, you get paid many times. When you are just starting out, you don't have to worry about fees eating away at your profits. You can take as long as you want to learn about the concept and when you are comfortable with it, you can start promoting it. Believe me, the concept is so simple that you will want to get started right away.
Even though Cash Gifting does not have many of the negatives of MLM companies, it does retain the biggest positive - residual income. Most Cash Gifting programs work on a 'one-up' system where the first person who joins your personal team is given to the person who made you aware of the opportunity. This same process also will apply to your personal 'team', resulting in income to you. This process is the subject of another article but by having just a few aggressive members of your team, you can receive a very substantial income from their efforts. And remember, if you decide at some point to become 'inactive', since there is no company or ongoing fees or commitments, you will still receive that income because of your earlier efforts.
As I write this in the spring of 2008, the average person in the U.S. is facing record oil and gasoline prices, a still lagging housing market, job insecurity and a generally bleak financial future. Cash Gifting, helping yourself by helping others, is a concept that will continue to provide forward thinking people with the financial security and income that is missing in their current lives.
Bio: Steve Bedell was looking for a way to find financial security in his retirement. Having been involved in MLM's in the 80's and vowing never to go down that road of harassing friends and family by pushing questionable products for marginal income, he looked to the Internet for a 'real' financial opportunity with a great chance of success for the average person. After looking at more than 75 opportunities, he selected Cash
Gifting as the one that best fit the criteria that he had established. For more information about cash gifting,
please visit
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